Customized Packaging for Nutraceuticals and Healthcare Products

Plastic tubes and desiccant caps

Sanner Envelope

We pack your dietary supplements, vitamins and probiotics as well as solid pharmaceuticals in the form of effervescent tablets, tablets or lozenges with our tube and cap combinations. As the world market leader for primary desiccant packaging, we protect your products from moisture, mechanical damage or unauthorized initial opening.
Our portfolio includes a large selection of press-on closures with integrated desiccant, with and without guarantee protection, with bellows or spirals for transport protection. Sanner also offers user-friendly flip-top desiccant closures, particularly suitable for best agers and people with motor impairments.

We offer an extensive range of plastic tubes with different sealing diameters and neck finishes to match. Your products benefit from the high tightness of the container-closure combination based on the Sanner hard-soft principle due to the use of different plastics. In addition, the Sanner Atmo Guard System® enables the packaging to meet the product protection and shelf life you require.

R 528 AWG
Plastic tube
Food & Pharma registration

Technical features:

Pill size
20 mm
Sealing diameter Closure
22.5 mm
Inner diameter
21.8 mm
84.8 mm

Materials and construction:

Decoration/Printing possibilities

Production sites:


Matching components:

Name Type Pill size Length
DOG-7 Closure 20 mm -
DOSG-7 Closure 20 mm -
DOSG-22 Closure 20 mm -
DAS-2 Closure 20 mm -
All dimensions are approximate. For actual measurements please ask for the technical data sheet. All information given here do not release the customer from proving the suitability for his intended use.