Sanner Group’s forensic device engineering allows for the systematic analysis of medical devices and identification of weaknesses to get robust functioning products. Forensic engineering for medical devices and diagnostic products should be an integral part of the device development process and empowers companies to innovate with confidence and build a reputation for excellence.

Sanner Envelope

Forensic engineering is an art, and getting to the bottom of a complex problem is one of the things Springboard, Sanner Group’s Design Center of Excellence, does best. Experts in product design, engineering and sciences combine to undertake detailed device analysis, identifying how or where things could be going wrong. From real-life application of functional maps, interaction matrices, cause effect chains, energy models, sensitivity analysis to ‘Top Down’ testing, Springboard ensure the correct medical device improvements are implemented to optimise functionality, reliability and safety.

Medical analysis: Identifying Design Flaws and Weaknesses

Forensic engineering allows for the systematic analysis of devices to identify any design flaws or weaknesses. By scrutinizing the components, materials, and manufacturing processes, our engineers can pinpoint areas of concern that might lead to failures or malfunctions down the line. The Springboard extensive lab spaces host a variety of technical equipment for defining medical device improvements allowing to conduct extensive product testing and metrological investigations in-house.  Additionally, the in-house machining capabilities mean bespoke rigs, fixtures and components for rapid prototyping and testing can be made. This proactive approach enables our customers to rectify issues before they escalate into costly recalls or safety hazards.

Find out how we helped a client:


Improving Product Reliability by Forensic Engineering

Through forensic engineering investigations, you can gain insights into how medical devices or diagnostic products perform under real-world conditions. By analysing failed components or systems, the Sanner Group’s device design & development team can uncover the root causes of failures and implement medical design improvements to enhance product reliability. Statistical analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, numerical modelling and finite element analysis can shed light on the underlying interactions leading to unexpected failure modes, using scientific theory to guide practical measurements and adjustments. This iterative and systematic process fosters continuous improvement, resulting in devices that are more robust and dependable.

Find out what type of analysis saves time:

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

In many industries, compliance with regulatory standards is non-negotiable. Forensic engineering helps companies to ensure that their medical devices and diagnostic products meet all relevant regulations and standards. By conducting thorough investigations and adhering to industry best practices, they can demonstrate due diligence in product safety and quality, mitigating legal risks and regulatory penalties.


Read about the importance of design controls in device development


Facilitating Continuous Medical Device Improvement

Forensic engineering is not only about identifying failures but also about learning from them to prevent recurrence. It gives you valuable data that informs future design decisions and process improvements. This culture of continuous learning and refinement is essential for staying ahead in rapidly evolving industries.

Find out how a design review helped launch a product:


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